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Cambodia - AFM: Pnong Project

To hasten the coming of Jesus by giving unreached people in Cambodia the opportunity to know Him and become His disciples.

Far up in the northeastern corner of Cambodia, in Mondulkiri province near the Vietnam border, there are broad, sweeping, forest-covered hills with waterfalls and rivers in the deep valleys. Scattered throughout this woodland area are the Pnong people, who typically live in thatched bamboo, two-story longhouses with rounded ends. These farmers and foresters are known for taming elephants to haul trees and cargo. They practice labor-intensive slash-and-burn agriculture, following a 15- to 20-year cycle, using one site for up to five years before moving to a new location. The Pnong are animists whose lives center around the worship of many nature spirits and the performing of ceremonies designed to appease and manipulate them. In the mid 1950s, the Pnong people heard of Jesus and invited missionaries to come and teach them. Mission agencies were unable to answer the call at that time. Then regional hostilities broke out, leading up to the Vietnam War. The Ho Chi Minh Trail ran though Pnong territory, so many fled the bombings and became refugees in Vietnam, where some were finally able to learn the Gospel. Now, there are about a thousand Christians among the Pnong. The Pnong are grasping for stability and hope that can only be found in Christ.

More Info
  • Average Fundraising Goal: Prices may vary. ~$5,000. See Student Missions Office for details.
  • Timeline: A full school year (~9 months) is required to serve with AFM.
  • Location: Sen Monorom in the Mondulkiri Province. Beautiful rolling hills can be seen from all areas of town. Scattered waterfalls are in the area. There are jungles filled with monkeys and some massive old trees near town. You may even see an elephant or two in the surrounding village.  Climate is generally very mild (highs 75-100 F, lows 55-75 F). Windy, cold, and dry: November to February. Hot and dry with some rain: March to May. Normal rainy season: June to October. Check out the location on Google Maps!
  • Living Accommodations: SM will live in town in a rented facility. Supervisors live in the town nearby. SM will have own private living space. Kitchen may or may not be shared or available. There may be options to live in a nearby village if SM desires to experience a more primitive lifestyle.
  • Language: SM must be comfortable teaching English and will study the Khmer language during their time of service.
  • Food: SM will be provided with food for breakfast and lunch at the school. They are responsible for their own dinner. Food is readily available in town. Quarterly trips to the city are taken for more specific needs.
  • Internet Access: There are cell phones and internet access. SMs will be provided with a basic cell phone if they do not have one. USB modem may be purchased by SMs for internet access or SIM cards can be purchased for internet usage on smart phones. Wi-Fi is available at the school, local vafes and the local gas station. Mail service is only available in Phnom Penh and thus is picked up once a quarter on supply trips.
  • Requirements: 1 year business visa, experience with computers, TOEFL certification before launch (paid for by AFM).
Position Info
  • Computer and English Teacher - Teaching computer class to 4th grade and up is the primary responsibility, with the possibility of teaching an evening class to community members or others as needed. Managing school IT equipment and keeping it in running order is another aspect of the job. Some examples of possible ministry opportunities within this call could include: friendship evangelism, visiting families of students, studying the Bible with school staff members, working with a local staff member to develop a Bible study group within the community, visiting in the village, or any number of interactive ventures that will bring you closer to the local people and open opportunities for spiritual conversations. Of course the more Khmer you learn, the more effectively you will be able to communicate, so we ask that you spend some time in language study, both formally (with your book) and informally (daily interactions with locals speaking Khmer). There may be other tasks or responsibilities that present themselves while you are on the project that you will be asked to help with.
  • English and Music Teacher - Teach English to K-6th grade level students. English will be taught according to level and following a basic curriculum. There is both a phonics component and a grammar/vocabulary component.  You will have freedom to adapt your daily lesson activities according to the students’ needs.  There is also the opportunity to teach some basic music classes, including singing, note reading, rhythm and bells. Recorders and violins are also available to an SM who feels comfortable teaching these. Curriculum for music is currently being developed, so opportunities in this area might vary. Develop friendships with students, their families, and other local families in evangelistic efforts. Teaching English and some music classes is the primary responsibility. There will be 2-4 English classes at the school, with the possibility of teaching some basic music classes. These classes will be divided between the student missionaries (hopefully, 3 will come). Each teacher is expected to write and implement creative lesson plans that will meet the learning needs of their classes. Reaching out to the community could include teaching some evening English classes, visiting students in the evening, studying the Bible with school staff members, working with one of our local teachers to develop Bible study groups, visiting in the village, or any number of interactive ventures that will bring you closer to the local people and open opportunities for spiritual conversations. Of course the more Khmer you learn, the more effectively you will be able to communicate, so we ask that you spend some time in language study, both formally (with your book) and informally (daily interactions with locals speaking Khmer). There may be other tasks or responsibilities that present themselves while you are on the project that you will be asked to help with.
  • Art and English Teacher - Develop creative lesson plans for teaching Art and English.Teach 4-6 classes a day.  The majority of the students are non-Adventist so there is a huge opportunity for evangelism.  Develop meaningful friendships with villagers and families of students.  Engage in spiritual conversations when opportunities arise.  Study and learn the Khmer language.  Other tasks as needed and seem appropriate.
  • Friendship Evangelist - Plant and nurture small house groups in remote Pnong villages utilizing tools such as health ministry, children’s ministry, literacy and Bible studies. Work alongside local SM’s (Khmer) in planting and nurturing home groups and discipling Pnong believers to be missionaries to their own people.
  • Homeschool Teacher - Implement lesson plans for homeschooling Andrew, grade 9, and Autumn, grade 7, and Alex, grade 3 ensuring understanding of 3rd, 7th, and 9th grade content.  Develop friendships with locals and learn the Khmer language.  Engage in spiritual conversations when appropriate.  Assist with children’s Sabbath School on Sabbaths.  Teach one English class at the school.  Other tasks as needed and seem appropriate.


AFM's Website - Cambodia


Students from the school in Sen Monorom
Students from the school in Sen Monorom
a car driving in town
Near the market in town
Bezi and Anthony give a Bible study
Bezi and Anthony ('16-'17) give a Bible study
A family photo
Local family impacted by the Pnong Project
A Pnong village
A Pnong village


See episodes 2-8 for more

Interested in Cambodia?

Apply for your preferred position at least four months before you plan to serve, though spots may be available up until a month before departure.