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Student Life and Activities

Uniting Students, Empowering Change, Building Community

Aiming to help make the most of your experience here at Southern, the Office of Student Life and Activities looks to unite, empower, and build community through shared interest in Student Organizations, Saturday night programing, and keeping you informed through The Weekender.

Meet the Director

Alexis Grentz, is Southern’s Director of Student Life and Activities. Originally from Orlando, Florida, she is a graduate of Union Adventist University with a BS in Business Administration, with emphases in Marketing and Small Business Management. Additionally, she has minors in accounting and Spanish. Alexis’s experience in planning and working social events began as early as her days at Georgia-Cumberland Academy. Most recently, Alexis worked at Union Adventist University, helping the residence halls with their spiritual programming and social activities. Alexis looks forward to helping students create relationships and community through fun and exciting events. As of last month, Alexis is newly married to Brandon, one of our mental health counselors at SAU. Together they enjoy traveling, watching movies, cooking, spending time with friends, and playing games. 

Email: agrentz@southern.edu
Phone: 423.236.2484
Office location: Bietz Center, Suite 2400