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Harold Mayer

Harold Mayer

Harold Mayer

School of Health and kinesiology

Contact Information:

Phone: 423.236.2851
Email: hmayer@southern.edu

Harold Mayer is an associate professor in the School of Health and kinesiology at Southern Adventist University. From 1996-2004, Harold was the director of fitness at the Lifestyle Center of America (LCA). Harold led the research at LCA that demonstrated the effectiveness of the intermittent training technique that he developed.

Harold received his BS degree in human biology and public health from Pacific Union College, Angwin, California, his master’s of public health from Loma Linda University, a graduate fellowship in exercise physiology from San Diego State University, and his Ph.D. in health services with an emphasis in exercise physiology from Walden University, Minneapolis.
Harold’s expertise is helping individuals to develop and incorporate lifelong physical activity habits. As the developer of the IT technique, he is in demand as a public speaker for civic clubs, schools and corporations. Harold designed, developed and managed ExCETRA Physical Testing, a mobile cardiovascular testing service, for 13 years.