Services and Policies
Marketing and University Relations is available to help you create quality communications for primarily external audiences. Since every communication is a reflection on the excellence of the entire university, ensuring professionalism and consistency in design and writing standards is essential. If you have a marketing or communication need, take advantage of our free services by calling 236.2688 or filling out a project request or photo request form. We also have information on saving time and money and typical project timelines.
Evergreen tablecloths with white university logos are available to checkout at our front desk. To confirm availability or reserve in advance, call 236.2688.
We have several styles of display booths for conferences and other events. For more information, visit our booth page.
Our office keeps a supply of a variety of give-away items for promotional purposes. Visit our giveaway page for more information and a list of items.
What we provide
- Advertising
- Booth Loans
- Concept Development
- Crisis Communication
- Giveaway Items
- Media Relations
- Photography
- Social Media Assistance
- Strategic Marketing Plans
- Video Advisory Assistance
- Website Assistance
- Writing and Editing
Website Help
The OU Campus User Guide offers great information about how to use OU Campus.
Video tutorials show how to operate OU Campus for Southern's website.
Submit a Help Desk request, or email us at webhelp@southern.edu.
For information about the proper usage of the university logo as well as the official seal, colors, fonts, and other graphic elements, refer to the Visual Identity Standards Guide.
For the terms and policies governing the website, see the Terms of Use.
We encourage you to use the style manual appropriate to your academic field for academic materials, but items produced for the public (newsletters, for example) should be edited to match the university Writing Guide.