"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and
self-discipline." 2 Tim. 1:7, NIV
Intramural sports are about more than just playing games when the ultimate goal
is to give glory to God. Recognizing that each person is "fearfully and wonderfully
made" (Psalm 139:14), the intramural program at Southern Adventist University provides
a wide variety of activities to enhance the educational, recreational, and cultural
experiences of students as well as employees. Southern's program is committed to excellence
and offers athletic events that foster a healthy and safe social environment and bring
fairness and balance to life.
We strive for sportsmanship is to be exemplified by all of our participants in our intramural program here at Southern. The link below is a recent example of sportsmanship that occurred in the Little League World Series; the pitcher's sportsmanship demonstrates how sports can build character and bring comradery even among opponents.
We strive for sportsmanship is to be exemplified by all of our participants in our intramural program here at Southern. The link below is a recent example of sportsmanship that occurred in the Little League World Series; the pitcher's sportsmanship demonstrates how sports can build character and bring comradery even among opponents.
Intramural Registration Information
EVERY PARTICIPANT will need to go to https://imleagues.com/southern to register for an account to sign up to play intramurals.
What You Can Do on the IMLeagues Intramural Website:
What You Can Do on the IMLeagues Intramural Website:
- Register an account to participate in intramurals (Once your register the first time, you can use your account to sign up for all sports for the entire time you are at Southern Adventist University). Please go to our ELIGIBILITY PAGE to check if you are eligible.
- Sign up your team as the Team Captain.
- NOTE: In order for you to add a person to your team, they must be registered.
- You can send an email invitation through..
- Sign up as a Free Agent if you don't have a team to play on yet.
- See Rosters once they are posted.
- Add/remove players to/from your roster.
- See Team Schedules and embed them in your Google Calendar or iCalendar.
- See Results and Standings.
- See Field/Court locations.
- Access Rules information.
- See Announcements regarding rain-outs, rescheduling, etc.