Cell Phone Information
Information Technology provides a state-of-the-art office telephone system and endeavors
to ensure excellent campus-wide cell phone reception. Sprint and Verizon cell phone
repeaters are installed in the residence halls, providing excellent reception and
fewer dropped calls in all locations of each dorm. There are no wired phones in residence
hall rooms, though public phones are located in each lobby area.
Office Telephones
Southern Adventist University offices are equipped with the state-of-the-art Cisco
IP Phone 796x.
Learn how to customize features on your phone:
To access voicemail from off-campus:
- Dial 423.236.2200 and press * when the voicemail attendant answers.
- Enter your ID, which is your four-digit phone extension.
- Enter your password.
Long Distance
Those with long-distance access may place a call by dialing 8+1, followed by the phone number.
To call a phone in another country, dial 8+0+1+1, followed by the code for the country you are calling, the area or city code, and the phone number. For example, if you are trying to call someone in Brazil (country code 55), in the city of Rio de Janeiro (city code 21), you would dial 8 - 011 - 55 - 21 - XXXX-XXXX.
Country Codes - http://countrycode.org/
Cell Phones (Personal Communication Allowance)
Southern provides a monthly personal communication allowance for qualifying employees.
Authorization is procured by submitting this request form to Human Resources.