Storage space on the network is provided for all students and employees. We encourage
use of the network drives for storing your campus related data. It gives you the ability
to move among computers on campus and still have access to your files. The following
explains the various stores and how to access them.
Employee Personal Storage (mapped to h: on employee networks)
This storage is for for documents that are related to university business that only
you need access to. Please do not use this space for backup of your entire computer
or personal files. Documents stored on this drive are backed up daily for 30-days.
Employee Department Storage (mapped to i: on employee networks)
This storage is accessible by all permanent employees within a specific department.
It is for university business related documents that need to be shared among your
For instructions on how to map these network drives on your computer, follow the instructions on our IT Helpdesk Knowledge Base.
In addition to this, every department or committee can get a private SharePoint team site that will allow you to store minutes or other documents and has a place for announcements,
calendar, web pages, etc. To request a team site, or if you have questions about
storing files on the network, contact us at it-helpdesk@southern.edu.