An email address is created when you establish a Southern user account. Information
for managing and optimizing use of your account is provided here.
Need to change your password?
Class Mailing Lists
Email lists are available to instructors for each class in session and are useful
for communication and class discussions. Managing class mailing lists.
Email Filing and Filtering
Antispam Service
To prevent spam and viruses from being delivered through the email system, Southern
uses an anti-spam service called Proofpoint. To view your quarantined email, safe
senders and blocked senders lists, click here.
Email Address Request
Request an Email Address For:
▪ Departmental (non-personal) requests—to be made by the department head
▪ Club requests—to be made by the director of student life and activities or club president
▪ Departmental (non-personal) requests—to be made by the department head
▪ Club requests—to be made by the director of student life and activities or club president