focus on the incorporation of biblical foundations for faith and learning. Student-centered pedagogy will be showcased and the use of university resources and technology will be emphasized to support learner outcomes. Participating faculty will design or redesign one course of their choice to create a highly interactive learning environment. This program is offered twice each summer by the Center for Teaching Excellence and Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning, in partnership with McKee Library and Southern Online Campus.
This will be an intensive one-week immersion in the process of curricular design, with support group meetings two or three times during the school year following the Summer Institute. All participants should be prepared to invest all of this time in deep engagement in the process. All sessions will be highly participatory and must be attended. We will challenge professors to continually consider new ideas and include novel approaches into the newly designed course which will identify a biblical course concept, biblical examples, declarative and procedural knowledge components, learning outcomes, and active teaching and learning activities, with a fully developed feedback and an assessment plan. Institute attendees will acquire a new lens through which to view the use of the higher education Biblical Foundation Course Design Model and teaching to modern learners, active teaching and learning strategies, as well as ways to move the course design/redesign process forward with other courses.
Program Outcomes
Program Incentives
How to Register
Who is Eligible? Full-time and adjunct Southern Adventist University faculty
Application Deadline: one week before each session begins
Dates for summer 2024:TBD