Professional Development
Educational delivery in Higher Education is changing rapidly, but the paramount focus
at an Adventist Christian Institution of Higher Education remains - how are you sharing
your faith within the framework of a biblical worldview, and how does your biblical
perspective shape your classroom teaching?
The Center of Teaching Excellence and Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning supports the continued education and professional growth of all faculty members on
Southern's campus. To facilitate this, we offer several resources available to full-time,
part-time, and adjunct professors throughout the year. Click on an opportunity below
to learn more!
Faculty Development
Wednesday's professional development opportunities - Faculty Showcase, Pedagogy, Worldview, and TechBytes - have been designed to provide faculty a forum for discussing ways to strengthen biblical foundations for faith and learning, teaching pedagogy, and educational strategies. Opportunities will be present to share what you are doing, what has worked well, and what you have learned about teaching from a Biblical perspective within your discipline. We collaborate with various departments on campus to provide comprehensive professional development support for SAU's full time and part-time faculty and staff.
Summer Institute
The Summer Institute is a one-week faculty development opportunity offered each summer with a focus on the incorporation of biblical foundations for faith and learning in course development; student-centered pedagogies will be showcased. Also emphasized are use of university resources and technology to support learner outcomes. Participating faculty will design or redesign one course of their choosing to create a highly interactive learning environment.