10 Ways to Improve Blended Learning Course Design
Ike Shibley, PhD
March 11, 2009
1 hr 30 min
This seminar will prepare you to create combinations of online and face-to-face teaching, the kind of combinations that keep students engaged in their own learning and driven toward improved outcomes. More specifically, this seminar:
- Shows you how to integrate learning before, during, and after face-to-face activities
- Replaces the notion of learning as content delivery with the notion of learning as an active process
- Prepares you to adroitly combine content, technology, and pedagogy in educationally effective configurations
- Reinforces and demonstrates the importance of establishing and working toward clear learning objectives
- Analyze your own courses to determine whether and how to create a blended course.
- Use Bloom’s Taxonomy to select learning activities that are best accomplished in class and those best accomplished online.
- Implement strategies to create synergy between in-class and out-of-class activities.
- Incorporate more learner-centered teaching strategies into their own pedagogy.
23 Practical Strategies to Help New Faculty Thrive
Ivan A. (Ike) Shibley Jr., PhD
November 22, 2010
1 hr 30 min
New faculty members need practical help to achieve lasting classroom success. The average college professor knows his or her subject matter very well, but receives very little training in how to teach it effectively. That’s because most graduate programs provide minimal instruction on classroom pedagogy. It’s not surprising that many new faculty members struggle when they are first asked to lead their own classes. Bad habits picked up early in a teaching career can become self-defeating in the long term. Often, new faculty members try to do too much and wind up overextending themselves, which diminishes their enthusiasm. This can lead to frustration and ineffectiveness. The best way to confront these problems is to provide new faculty members with practical guidance and seasoned advice early on. In 23 Practical Strategies to Help New Faculty Thrive, award-winning professor and faculty mentor Professor Ike Shibley of Penn State shares effective strategies for success in college teaching. Drawing upon his 15 years of teaching and mentoring experience, Professor Shibley offers compelling and realistic advice on day-to-day teaching and improving student learning to guide new faculty members around predictable pitfalls and set them on the path to a rewarding teaching career.
This white paper covers:
- Deliberate course design
- Writing a strong syllabus—and sticking to it
- Improving student ratings
- High- versus low-stakes grades
- Finding the right pacing
- The reality behind teaching “myths”
- How to start and end each class
- How and why to find a faculty mentor
- Strategies for working with colleagues
- Ways to increase classroom efficiency
- Maintaining psychological health
- The rewards of teaching
- And more
Building a Comprehensive Professional Development Program
Denise Swett, EdD
April 5, 2011
1 hr 30 min
Higher education administrators and faculty face a host of new challenges:
- An increasingly diverse student body and campus community, with different learning and working styles
- Incoming students more familiar with technology than college prep courses
- Changing accreditation standards and student needs
- Growing emphasis on evolving educational technology.
You know the tools are out there to help you and your colleagues successfully meet these challenges and more. But how can you get this information to those who need it?
Learn how with this 90-minute seminar as Denise Swett, EdD, draws on her extensive and wide-ranging background in higher education instruction and administration and gives you the framework you need to develop and implement a successful professional development program.
A Framework You Can Build On
We show you how to develop a comprehensive professional development program for your campus with her all-inclusive approach:
- Essential first steps to initiate a professional development program
- The workshops you need to get your program off to a great start
- How to find and hire top-notch presenters
- Techniques to schedule, coordinate and track participation in professional development
- How to market your professional development program to maximize participation by faculty, staff, and administrators
- The importance of professional development for accreditation
Creatively Engaging Online Students: Models and Activities
Curt Bonk, PhD
October 16, 2009
1 hr 30 min
We fondly recall one former professor who was in the habit of firing rubber bands at snoozing students, or sneaking up on them and poking them with a knitting needle.
Aside from the risks those tactics pose to tenure nowadays, they’re also not transferable to the online classroom. Not that they aren’t needed: Student engagement—or, rather, the lack of it—is a critical problem in distance learning today.
Fortunately, you do have tools at your disposal (albeit not pointy ones) to keep your students interested, involved, engaged, and firmly on the path to successful learning.
You can learn about them in Creatively Engaging Online Students: Models and Activities. Curt Bonk, PhD, provides a wealth of tips and techniques you can put to work in your online classroom right now. In this idea-filled presentation, you’ll:
- Learn how to address student learning preferences online
- Discover ways to motivate students in online environments with Bonk’s innovative TEC-VARIETY model
- Take home a minimum of a dozen ideas you can use in your classrooms and programs
- Get the facts on two unique ways of thinking about teaching and learning in online environments
- Hear about a wealth of low-risk, low-cost, low-time activities
- Create a vision of what you would like your classroom to be and develop a plan to achieve it
- See how to use the “R2D2 model” for thinking about diverse learning needs
- Understand how the example you set online can help (or harm) your students
- Learn to build peer and expert feedback into your online classes with techniques like critical friends and cross-institutional mentoring
- Find out how to successfully prepare students for the rigors of online learning
Designing an Effective Collaborative Wiki Project
Rhonda Ficek, PhD
December 2, 2009
90 min
How can students work collaboratively if they can't even show up in the same place at the same time? Fortunately, technology offers some solutions, and there's one web-based tool in particular that can help you eliminate the scheduling headaches associated with collaborative projects and make them convenient, simple, and efficient. In this Magna online Seminar on CD Rhonda Ficek, PhD, Director of Instructional Technology Services at Minnesota State University Moorhead, demonstrates how well-suited wiki projects are for collaborative learning, and shares with you a web-based application that's easy to learn, easy to implement, and absolutely free.
This seminar discusses:
- Elements of a successful instructional wiki project
- Recommended wiki project types for the classroom
- How wikis streamline and support the collaborative process
- How to create the all-important opening page
- Best practices for page structure
- How wikis help develop student organizational skills for digital and other assets
- How to monitor and troubleshoot wiki project
Engaging the Disengaged with Experiential Learning
Jim La Prad, PhD
Andy Mink
April 16, 2009
1 hr 30 min
Jim La Prad and Andy Mink provide an instructional framework for getting full participation
from all students, and encourage educators to think about why some students might
be disengaged. (Hint: it’s not all on the student.)
The presenters believe that experiential education “has the potential to help educators
transform their pedagogical practices to more deeply engage their students and improve
learning outcomes.” In this seminar, they use a combination of video vignettes and
commentary to discuss what they call the ECHO model of experiential education.
The ECHO model includes the following four components:
Explore—An initial inquiry based approach to what a participant knows and wants
to learn
Create—An opportunity for participants to have common a experience
Harvest—An invitation for participants to reflect on their common experience
Own—A suggestion for participants to transform and transfer their experiences for use in their contexts
Mink and La Prad also introduce the concept of an Experiential Learning Compass, a set of guiding principles for authentic learning in classroom and community activities that can be incorporated into a variety of courses and include activities beyond the physical, outdoor adventures that are most often associated with experiential education.
Finding the Right Technology to Support Learning Outcomes
Ivan A. (Ike) Shibley Jr., PhD
October 20, 2011
90 min
Technology is a part of life on campus and off. Even if your school doesn't offer
any online programs or degrees, you know that the internet, in particular, plays a
big role in higher education.
What you might not know is that sometimes blending classroom and online instruction
can actually improve student performance while managing cost and maximizing student
and instructor time. And if adopting technology leads to better outcomes, what are
you waiting for?
This 90-minute Magna Online seminar, led by Ike Shibley, PhD, offers proven strategies
for technology to increase flexibility and access, improve student performance, and
manage costs.
How Can I Structure a Flipped Lesson?
Barbi Honeycutt, PhD
20 min
Relieve some of your fears and concerns by using this four-part lesson plan model to organize your flipped classroom and ensure that you’re connecting the pre-class work to the flipped learning experience. It’s an effective and versatile approach that you can easily replicate and adapt to any discipline.
How Can I Structure a Flipped Lesson? doesn’t stop at showing you how to divide a lesson into four parts.
You also will learn how to organize the lesson to ensure that pre-class work and in-class activities align, and you’ll discover how to integrate flipped lessons into the overall course for a seamless learning experience for your students.
This is a great video for anyone ready to flip for the first time or for instructors who love to flip and need some fresh ideas and some strategies to tighten the structure of their lessons and courses overall.
When you are finished with this program, you will:
- Be able to explain how flipping is grounded in active learning
- Know how to divide a flipped lesson into four parts to maintain a dynamic learning experience but also to add structure and control to the learning environment
- Be able to integrate all the components of flipped classrooms to create a successful learning environment for your students
- Have a tool to organize your flipped lesson that can be replicated in future classes
What is Storyboarding? And How Can It Help Me Flip My Class?
Sarah Egan Warren, PhD
20 min
Storyboards are valuable tools that help you make more powerful videos in less time and with fewer resources. That’s important because better videos are more engaging and help promote higher levels of learning.
This session will present three distinct strategies for storyboarding and how to use each to create a video for a flipped class.
You will finish this program with the ability to:
- Articulate the value of storyboarding to flipped instruction
- Outline the structure of a storyboard by detailing the things to be seen, heard, and done in the video
- Use the storyboard concept to organize content to better focus on learning outcomes
What Are Five FAQs About Faculty Roles in the Flipped Class?
Barbi Honeycutt, PhD
Sarah Egan Warren
20 min
Honeycutt and Warren discuss the most common questions they have been asked about flipping.
During What Are Five FAQs about Faculty Roles in the Flipped Class? they discuss, in their friendly and engaging style:
- How to adapt a course to the changing role of the instructor in a flipped classroom
- Why instructors shouldn’t flip everything
- How to identify flippable moments in any course
- How to reframe flipping as an educational philosophy and mind-set rather than as a teaching strategy
- How to address any student resistance to the flipped classroom
Overall, the program will prepare you not only to flip more confidently but also to serve as a resource for your colleagues who face similar reservations and concerns about the new approach.
Where Can I Find Flippable Moments in My Classes?
Featured Higher Education Presenters:
Barbi Honeycutt, PhD
Sarah Egan Warren
20 min
Discover flipping insights and strategies you can employ in any lesson in any course. Honeycutt and Warren ensure that after participating in this program, every participant can:
- Define the flip using Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Recognize a flippable moment in any class
- Identify three places to look for a flippable moment in any course
- Know when to flip and when to skip
To help you decide when to flip and when to skip, Honeycutt and Warren will share their own experiences of what they’ve tried, what worked, and what didn’t.
These tales from the trenches will help you see the parallels to your own courses so that you can integrate flipping for greater success.
Helping Introverts Thrive in an Active Learning Classroom
Featured Higher Education Presenter:
Nicki Monahan, MEd
January 21, 2014
1 hr
Nicki Monahan, MEd, faculty adviser for staff development at George Brown College
in Toronto, shares a developmental approach to active learning that helps you create
a comfortable environment for introverts and extroverts alike.
You’ll develop a deeper understanding of the characteristics of introverts and extroverts, gain insights to help you uncover and remediate any bias in your existing participation policies, and learn optimal methods for introducing and expanding active learning over the course of a semester. It’s information you can put to work right way in your classroom.
Active learning can be a rewarding experience for every student—even the introverts. Discover how you can create a robust learning environment that works for all the personalities in your classroom.
How Can Google Docs Help Foster Productive Collaboration?
Featured Higher Education Presenter:
James M. Lang, PhD
20 min
This session will show you specific ways the teaching tools of the 21st century can
help you be the sort of instructor you always wanted to be.
Employing a very direct and easy-to-follow speaking style, Lang, a widely published author, will discuss:
- The three main challenges of group work and how Google Docs helps you meet them
- The three key decisions you need to make when starting to work with Google Docs
- The four characteristics of a well-designed group work task
- The four most useful Google Docs teaching tools for collaborative learning
After participating in this presentation, you’ll be able to:
- Use features of Google Docs, especially monitoring and commenting, to promote collaboration
- Recognize opportunities that will make effective group work projects for collaborative learning
- · Design a collaborative learning project that can be started and completed in a single class or continue for several classes
How Can I Create Effective Mini-lectures?
Featured Higher Education Presenter:
Christy Price, EdD
20 min
Active learning is the name of the game in higher education today, but no matter how
much emphasis your curriculum places on engaging students, sometimes you still have
to disseminate information. Learn how to deliver effective mini-lectures that resonate
with your students.
Based on research in cognitive and educational psychology, and integrating best practices
from business and teaching theories, this fast and focused session offers you the
insights you need to upgrade your teaching and the practical guidance to help you
get started.
You’ll learn proven techniques you can use immediately to transform your lectures from necessary evils to persuasive presentations. Drawing on her extensive classroom and faculty development experience, presenter Christy Price, EdD, an award-winning educator from Dalton State College, demonstrates how educating and motivating students gets easier when you develop mini-lectures that are based on how the brain works. She’ll also show you how to help students retain what you teach through:
- Guided practice
- “Zen presentations”
- Relevant course content
- Embedded classroom assessment techniques
- Positive experiences for student learners
You’ll also learn how to avoid “death by PowerPoint.”
The human brain is, by nature, a novelty seeker. In this session you’ll discover how to stop fighting the brain’s natural tendencies and, instead, put them to work engaging students. Price’s tips are so practical you’ll be able to use them in your next class session!
How Can I Improve Lessons with a Four-Step Plan?
Featured Higher Education Presenter:
Mary C. Clement, EdD
20 min
Do you ever wish creating a lesson plan was as easy as asking yourself: “What am I going to teach today?”
But the reality is that it is a much more complex process that can take hours and hours of your time.
You need to answer the question: “What are my students going to learn today?”
Mary Clement, EdD, has mastered the lesson planning process and developed a four-step plan that simplifies how you plan and creates even stronger, more engaging lessons.
She shares her secrets in this Magna 20-Minute Mentor How Can I Improve Lessons with a Four-Step Plan?
Learn how to save time and create lesson plans that effectively present new material to your students, apply the information, and review the topics that were covered.
This tip-filled seminar follows the four steps of lesson planning, exploring:
- How to use focus questions to engage students in the first few minutes of class
- The importance of using visuals and moments of interaction when presenting new information
- Suggestions for practicing application of new material in class
- Techniques for linking review of one class with a preview of the next
Learning goals
After viewing this Magna 20-Minute Mentor, you’ll be able to:
- Get students focused and thinking immediately when class begins
- Plan multiple ways to present new material
- Increase student engagement through applications and interaction with the material
- Include reviews in each class that help students to u
How Can I Use Frequent Student Feedback to Improve My Courses?
Featured Higher Education Presenter:
Mary C. Clement, EdD
20 min
Mary Clement, EdD, shares the five times in the semester when getting student feedback
is valuable and provides practical ways to obtain that information.
Learn grading and feedback techniques you can implement immediately, or with your next class, such as:
- Conduct a “Student Interest Inventory” early on, to learn about students’ subject-specific knowledge and how they like to learn
- Use ungraded “One-Minute Papers” to find out what your students feel they’d need to study if there was a test tomorrow
- Survey students after the first exam or paper to see how they prepared for it and to find out whether their grades matched their expectations
- Share feedback with students when you’re ready to implement changes based on their input
You’ll learn how to:
- Select optimal times to solicit student feedback
- Develop easy-to-use instruments for student feedback
- Ascertain the quality of student feedback
- Use student feedback to generate collegial discussions about teaching
- Make course improvements based on student feedback
How Do I Include Introverts in Class Discussions?
Featured Higher Education Presenter:
Nicki Monahan, MEd
20 min
This session will show you effective strategies to engage introverted students where they are and how to guide them beyond their comfort zones.
You’ll start by enhancing your understanding of your students’ learning preferences, which will help you set effective learning goals for the class and identify students who could benefit from additional support. Then, you’ll learn practical methods to provide that support, including:
- Three alternative ways you can use technology to help introverted students feel comfortable while contributing to class discussions
- Three low- or no-tech ways you can encourage introverted students to participate in group learning
- Three techniques to help introverted students develop their verbal skills and move beyond their comfort zones
You’ll see how you can use Twitter, “exit passes,” and low-risk, low-stakes paired activities to build confidence in introverted students and show them the importance of their contributions.
To help you apply what you’ve learned, you’ll receive a Classroom Participation Inventory and Goal Setting Template, along with discussion guides and a list of recommended resources.
After participating in this presentation, you’ll be able to:
- Identify the meanings of “introversion” and “extroversion”
- Recognize how temperament can affect a student’s participation in a large class discussion
- Design alternative methods to help introverted students contribute to classroom learning
- Employ specific techniques to encourage introverted students to participate in classroom discussions
How Good Is Good Enough? Setting Benchmarks or Standards
Featured Higher Education Presenter:
Linda Suskie
September 16, 2009
1 hr 30 min
This online seminar will enable you to analyze and apply your assessment results to
help convey strengths and accountability and also to identify areas that need improvement.
In this seminar, Suskie gives you the tools to maximize the assessment data you already
have. You will learn to:
- Identify and differentiate several kinds of standards and benchmarks;
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of various standards;
- Develop processes to set standards for individual student performance and targets for collective student performance;
- Find standards that are appropriate for your campus and circumstances;
- Engage colleagues in standard setting;
- Determine when to vary targets or incorporate student work samples in standards discussions; and
- View standard setting as an ongoing process.
Suskie will explain how to use multiple standards to gain a more complete, balanced
picture of student learning. Ultimately you will come away with the ability to leverage
assessment results to improve student learning and show accountability.
Hybrid Learning: Course Design and Faculty Development (Webcast CD Recording—Academic Impressions)
Featuring Veronica Diaz, PhD, Associate Director of EDUCAUSE Learning InitiativeIn Blended Courses, What Should Students Do Online?
Featured Higher Education Presenters:
Ike Shibley, PhD
Tim Wilson, PhD
20 min
This fast and focused professional development session will help you make the most
of the opportunities presented by blended learning. Drawing from Bloom’s Taxonomy
of Learning, they recommend:
- Using online technology for the lowest-level learning, before class
- Emphasizing student engagement during face-to-face teaching, building on the facts and focusing on mid-level learning skills (application and analysis)
- Pursuing your highest-level learning objectives through online activities, after class.
After following their step-by-step approach, you’ll be able to:
- Determine which of your lower-level cognitive tasks should be completed before class
- Describe activities suitable for drawing students into mid-level learning during face-to-face instruction
- Identify after-class online activities exercising the highest levels of cognitive function
Be confident that your selection of which materials to present online and which to present in the classroom will provide the best learning experience for your students.
Interactive Teaching: Promoting Better Learning Using Peer Instruction and Just-in-Time Teaching (DVD—Prentice Hall Series in Educational Innovation)
Featuring Harvard Physics Professor Eric Mazur
How can you engage your students and be sure they are learning the conceptual foundations of a lecture course? “INTERACTIVE TEACHING” introduces Peer Instruction and Just-in-Time Teaching—two innovative techniques for lectures that use in-class discussion and immediate feedback to improve student learning. These techniques are now being used successfully in many disciplines.
In this DVD, Harvard University physicist Eric Mazur demonstrates the use of Peer Instruction and Just-in-Time Teaching. The DVD serves as an interactive workshop that can be used by individual teachers or in group training sessions to learn about these techniques. New and experienced teachers can navigate at their own pace and focus on what interests them most. This DVD will also help you implement interactive teaching in your own classroom.
Is There a Solution to Students Multitasking in Class?
Featured Higher Education Presenter:
Maryellen Weimer, PhD
20 min
This program debunks commonly held notions about students’ capacities to multitask,
and then it evaluates three distinct approaches you could adopt to help limit multitasking
in your classrooms.
Weimer backs up her assertions with current research, and she shares her sources so
you can delve into findings in greater depth on your own.
When you are finished with this program, you will:
- Understand how multitasking affects learning
- Know how to develop policies that limit distractions during class
- Recognize opportunities to incorporate personal devices into class for learning purposes
- Know how to engage students in the problem and steer them toward solutions that they help craft and that work for them
Learning is a sophisticated process that is easily compromised with multitasking. In this session you can learn how to keep your students focused on the task at hand—and not on the devices in their hands.
Practicing Learner-Centered Teaching in Large Classes
Featured Higher Education Presenter:
Carol Hurney, PhD (July 15, 2010)
1 hr 15 min
The “learner-centered” approach to teaching does much more than focus on students.
It puts them front and center, allowing their decisions to shape the experience, the
content, their involvement, and ultimately, the depth of their personal learning outcomes.
While implementing such an approach can seem daunting, especially in large, lecture-style
classes, a larger class doesn’t have to mean an instructor-centered class.
Take the guesswork out of lesson plans and classroom time. This 75-minute audio online
seminar will help instructors visualize learner-centered teaching through real-world
case studies and proven techniques. Learn how to shift the balance of power to the
students and prepare for incredible results.
This seminar presents a multi-level method that can be tailored to fit any teaching
style and classroom.
Topics include:
- Making gradual and effective learner-centered adjustments to any course
- Refining the grading process to allow students to flourish and achieve
- Evaluating student feedback
- Assessing the effectiveness and impact of learner-centered teaching
How Do I Get Students to Come to Class Prepared?
Featured Higher Education Presenters:
Robert Gillette, PhD
Lynn Gillette, PhD
20 min
Twin brothers and flipped course design experts Gillette and Gillette will present
the interactive teaching model they use—and have used for years—that supports deep
learning and skill development.
Their interactive teaching and learning model first exposes students to course material
before class. Then during class, you will work with your students to apply, analyze,
and evaluate the course content.
Gillette and Gillette will explain how a definitional grading system will support this model and ensure that the vast majority of your students come to class prepared the vast majority of the time.
You will also learn classroom strategies that move you away from the lecture, which you won’t need as much—or maybe at all—with this model.
How Do I Get Students to Come to Class Prepared? shows you what you can do to create the kind of courses that naturally encourage student preparation and eliminate some of the common frustrations of higher education.
When you are finished with this program, you will know how to:
- Design courses using an interactive teaching model that has students encounter course material before working with it in class
- Write class preparation assignments that guide students through reading assignments and then inform and stimulate class discussion
- Design and incorporate a definitional grading system for any course
- Incorporate student preparation in that definitional grading system
- Require student writing without overburdening your own workload
- Design an interactive course that gives students space and time to express their voices, demonstrate their preparation, and exercise their intellectual abilities