Feed My Sheep
Feed My Sheep Food Pantry is open to all Southern Adventist University students and employees. It is located in Fleming Plaza suite #1500, next to the Adventist Book Center. The pantry is run by the School of Social Work.
If you need food assistance, please click above to make an appointment with one of our friendly staff.
Schedule an appointment using the link below:
Schedule appointment with Feed My Sheep Community Food Pantry
- You will have made a prior appointment.
- FMS staff/intern checks you in and provides a short orientation to the pantry.
- You choose your food items.
- If you choose USDA food items (sometimes available), you will have to sign the USDA sheet.
- You can choose personal care items.
- You can choose from the “free items” shelf; these will not count towards the number of items allowed according to your family size.
- When you leave, the FMS staff/intern will document the visit. All information provided is private.
The pantry is located in Fleming Plaza
Suite 1500 next to the ABC
- The Nurse-Family Partnership
Are you a new first-time mom? Erlanger Hospital and the Department of Human Services have partnered to offer a free personal nurse to first time moms in Hamilton County. View the flyer.