Campus Research
A Binary-Based Enumeration of the Primitive Pythagorean Triples
Southern alumni, Colton Davis, and Dr. Kenneth E. Caviness were accepted for publication in March 2023, to the Wolfram Demonstrations Project (Davis was a current student at the time).
PublicationStudent Research - Dec. 2021
PublicationAn Improved Generalized Enumeration of Substitution Systems
Former Southern students publish alongside Dr. Kenneth E. Caviness on his ongoing research project.
PublicationCaviness Papers
Dr. Kenneth E. Caviness' papers on Faith & Science and Science & Religion.
PublicationHistory Highlights the Fundamental Limitations of Science
A paper Ken Caviness presented during the 2015 Biblical Foundation of Faith and Learning Conference has been published in the Journal of The Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning (JBFFL), Volume 1, Issue 1, Article 1
PublicationBiophysics Alumni Research with Erlanger
Paul Miller (Biophysics, 2015) has chosen to wait a year before starting medical school, and he is putting that year to good use! He has joined a team from Erlanger Health Systems to conduct heart attack research.
PublicationSequential Substitution Systems Research Project
This is a website built for the purpose of being a reference for newcomers to the Sequential Substitution Systems project. Here you will be able to find the FAQs for this project (This is the only use for this site at the moment). You can go to the FAQs tab to get a list of the different tutorials and get started.
PublicationStrengths and Limitations of Science Presentation
Strengths and Limitations of Science | Adventist Youth Worship | SDAECV | May 24, 2024 | SDA English Church Vellore
VideoAstronomical Tour of God's Creation & God is Light Presentation
Astronomical Tour of God's Creation & God is Light | Sabbath Worship | SDAECV | May 25, 2024 | SDA English Church Vellore