Physics Club
What is Physics Club?
When people hear the word "physics" most automatically associate it with long lectures
on Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Or maybe they're initimidated by the complex ideas
and philosophies behind the world around us. But what most may not know is that learning
about physics can be fascinating - especially when learning with others!
Physics Club is a great way to meet new people and socialize with professors and peers
within the department.
Things we experiment with:
- Liquid Nitrogen
- Vibrating Sand
- Tornadoes in a Bottle
- Van de Graff Generators
- Rube Goldberg Machines
Tips for Your First Year as a Physics Student
Alumni Arian, Anjali, and Colton share some helpful ideas about studying, how to get help, rest, and other pro tips for being successful in your Physics endeavors.
Interested in Joining?
If you're interested in becoming a member or would just like to learn more, please contact the club sponsor, Dr. Blake Laing