Where do you begin?
You may be asking things like:
- What's a commitment deposit?
- Who's my roommate?
- Have I chosen the right major?
- Am I enrolled in the right classes?
- Have I been admitted?
- How will I pay for college?
- Is this where God wants me to be?
The college enrollment process can be overwhelming. That's why Southern's Admissions team and The College Life blog are here for you. Uncover tips and hacks on how to make your transition to college as smooth as possible and find out what to expect on our campus.
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Thoughts of a Campus Tour Guide: What I Really Want to Tell You
I’ve always wanted to write this, covering what can’t be fully conveyed on a tour.
I am very qualified, as I’ve been giving tours of campus since 2014. (It’s my fifth
year; I often wonder if saying that will scare parents away from Southern, but I have
no regrets about my year abroad and its correlating second major or my time in the
honors program) ...
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